Why Australia?

— 2 minute read

I love grey Manchester, so at the ripe age of 34, why on earth would I want to up sticks and move to sunny Brisbane??

That's not full sarcasm, I genuinely love Manchester despite the grey skies. I'm also not a fan of really hot weather...oh and there's the spiders. So, again, why the move?

Well...I have family living there who I dearly miss. That's a huge factor. I had made the decision to move long before the Australian borders closed due to Covid, but watching my niece and nephew grow up in 2D has driven home how far away Australia can feel.

After visiting a couple of times, my partner, Lydia, and I realised that we could imagine myself living there and believe our quality of life would be improved...it is after all known as The Lucky Country (rather ironically). Since Covid, Brisbane has joined three other Aussie cities as the tenth most liveable in the world.

For me, the little things add up. Not having to prepare for changeable weather (though my Britishness will still compel me to discuss it); having space on the roads and being able to park; not having a bumbling buffoon for a Prime Minister...wait.

I am excited to behold the amazing array of Australian wildlife, many of which are unique and in equal parts fascinating as they are terrifying. I will happily trade pesky pigeons for cheeky bin chickens - I currently can't imagine ever getting bored of seeing their exotic bills (well, maybe after the tenth time they steal my lunch!)

Of course, as I gain proximity to some family, I lose it to others. This will be hard and not something for which I can prepare. The same applies for friends and colleagues who I will also greatly miss.

Geographically, I will miss the luscious green of spring and summertime in Britain, the public rights of way and even grey skies (occasionally handy when hungover!) Being close to the historic and cultural richness of Europe will yield itself to new explorations in the South Pacific.

Finally, this is probably my only shot at migrating to Australia. Having started the difficult visa process three years ago, I don't think I would have enough points if I were to start now.

It's now or never!